Curtis never complained, he remained optimistic that his customers would find him, and then we had many stimulating conversations about life ( from the spiritual to the mundane) in between games of chess with his chess mates. Even when he would leave early without making a single sale he STILL had a good attitude about life and trying to improve his Art in spite of no positive feedback ($$$) from customers. Often, early in the morning while most Artists were chatting with neighbors or noisily setting up their booths, he would sit quietly in deep meditation….preparing for the day ahead. Always kind and generous and grateful……..what a beautiful person who’s positive energy was what we all should aspire to bring to our Market…….and the world.
Goodbye Curtis…….you will be missed….but remembered by all who came to know you! Take care all…..and remember to be kind to each other as we share this precious time together……..Tad